Mirò Manufactura de Café.
Roasted and served in Zurich.

Miro Manufactura de Cafe is a Swiss based coffee roastery. They source specialtiy coffee around the world delivering them to clients directly, selling them in their own stores and coffeeshops as well as equipping third party coffee stores.
The design combines elements of classical swiss design language with manufactorial elements. Each coffee blend has its unique pattern and color combination made out of an abstracted stamp-like coffee bean that organizes them into a visual system that can easily be adapted.

with Julia H. & Flavia S.

Mirò Manufactura de Café.
Roasted and served in Zurich.

Miro Manufactura de Cafe is a Swiss based coffee roastery. They source specialtiy coffee around the world delivering them to clients directly, selling them in their own stores and coffeeshops as well as equipping third party coffee stores.
The design combines elements of classical swiss design language with manufactorial elements. Each coffee blend has its unique pattern and color combination made out of an abstracted stamp-like coffee bean that organizes them into a visual system that can easily be adapted.

with Julia H. & Flavia S.