Earlybird. Fresh food delivered to your workspace.

Earlybird is a food delivery startup based in switzerland. All food is locally sourced, meals are locally prepared and delivered directly to clients workspace within hours.
Within the rebrandig an overall visual language containing playful typographic elements, abstract graphic imagery and a photographic language were created. Several print products as well as a concept for a website redesign were produced within the project.

Photo & Edit
with Julia H. & Flavia S.

Earlybird. Fresh food delivered to your workspace.

Earlybird is a food delivery startup based in switzerland. All food is locally sourced, meals are locally prepared and delivered directly to clients workspace within hours.
Within the rebrandig an overall visual language containing playful typographic elements, abstract graphic imagery and a photographic language were created. Several print products as well as a concept for a website redesign were produced within the project.

Photo & Edit
with Julia H. & Flavia S.